Diversity a Business Case
Event Announcement
Our Partner, the Women’s Career Network Vienna, member of the Professional Women’s Network Global cordially invites you to a panel discussion on: Diversity – a Business Case
A number of pertinent economic factors drive the agenda of diversity today talent shortage, purchasing power, migration, demographic trends and legal requirements. Is company performance directly correlated with how well the people inside the organisation reflect its customer base? Does a better mix of people ultimately yield better business decisions? At a corporate level, forward thinking policies and leadership endorsement programmes are relevant initiatives to identify, attract and retain talent. Enhancing diversity beyond the business world includes role modelling, advocacy and social awareness to create communities that value difference and individuality.
Join us for a lively panel discussion with our distinguished guests:
Vera Budway-Strobach
Chief Diversity Officer Erste Group Bank AG
Vienna, Austria
Dr. Robin L. Lumsden LLM (Berkley)
Lumsden and Partners Attorney at Law
Vienna and New York
Integrations Ambassador of the Austrian Foreign Ministry

Senior Expert Competitive Intelligence OMV Corporate

Organisational Psychologist
Founder of The Workplace Atelier
When: Monday, 14 September: 6:30 p.m. Networking / 7:15 p.m. Welcome & Panel Discussion
Location: Hilton Stadtpark, Am Stadtpark 1, 1030 Vienna
Contact: Co-Presidents Zaphira Rohde and Vesna Gradt: presidents@wcnvienna.org
Register: HERE
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